Discover Wuyuan

Mount Sanqing

Mount Sanqing

Mount Sanqing (also known as Mount Sanqingshan National Park) is located in the Northeast of Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province of China. Not only Mount Sanqing displays stunning views of magnificently shaped granite pillars and peaks, more importantly it is also a sacred Chinese Taoist site. The three peaks: Yujing, Yuxu, Yuhua are named after the three divine gods of Taoism, and Mount Sanqing is now a UNESCO world heritage site.

When people visit Mount Sanqing, most likely they will visit Huangling Village (A picturesque ancient village in Wuyuan County) and Jindezhen (the renowned porcelain capital of China), another two attractions in close distance with Mount Sanqing.

Travel information

  • Entrance ticket: CNY120
  • Cable car cost: CNY70 for upward ride and CNY55 for downward ride
  • Opening hours: 8:00-17:30, holidays and weekends: 7:30-17:30
  • How to get there: Take the high-speed train to Shangrao Train Station from any major cities, then take a bus or carpooling (cost around CNY50, can negotiate the fare with the taxi driver at the bus station before you get in the shared car) to Sanqing Mountain Scenic Area
  • Where to stay: There are many hotels and guest houses to choose from at the foot of the mountain, and there are accommodations on the mountain too. Hilton Sanqingshan Resort is recommended, its location is excellent, right next to the Waishuanxi Visitor Center(South Entrance/Cable Car). Rishang Villa is recommended on the mountain, it is about 15 minutes uphill walk from the South cable car top exit, reasonably priced and close to the sunset viewing point
  • Recommended photography spots: Sunrise at Yutai, Sunshine Coast, and sunset at West Coast
  • Recommended Entry to the scenic area: There are two entrances/cable car stations to the scenic area, East Entrance (Jinsha) and South Entrance (Waishuangxi). There are shuttle buses running between the two entrances, but the schedules are not very reliable sometimes, in that case, you can always use a taxi, which takes about half an hour. It is recommended to go to East Entrance (Jinsha) because you will have easier access to the major attractions after you exit the cable car on the top, also there are more hotels and services at East Entrance area, but the downside is that the East Entrance is always busy and takes longer to get in
  • Tour route: You can take the Jinsha Cable car(east side) or Waishuangxi Cable car(south side) to the top. The main attractions are covered in a big loop (follow east to west direction), which takes about 6-8 hours. you can make the loop bigger or smaller according to your fitness level or your time. The following are the key spots in this loop: Jinsha(east) Cable car – Giant Python Peak – Jade Emperor Peak – Sunshine Coast – Yujing Peak – Sanqing Palace – West Coast – Waishuangxi(south)Cable car – Wanshou Palace – One line Sky – Yutai – Goddess Peak – Jinsha(east) Cable car
  • Tips: Avoid rainy days, you won’t be able to see much on the mountain; properly manage your time, don’t miss the last cable car down( 17:30) if you don’t plan to stay overnight on the top; if you go on holidays or weekends, expect long lines to get in or you need to get there really early to beat the crowds
  • How to get to Huangling Village from Mount Sanqing: There are direct buses running from Mount Sanqing Scenic Area to Shangrao Train Station. From Shangrao Train Station, you can take a high-speed train to Wuyuan Train Station, where there are direct buses to Huangling Village in the high season. You can always take a taxi outside the train station.
  • How to get to Jindezhen from Mount Sanqing:  There are direct buses running from Mount Sanqing Scenic Area to Shangrao Train Station. From Shangrao Train Station, you can take a high-speed train to Jindezhen North Train Station, which takes about an hour.


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