Discover Wuyuan

Lingyan Caves

Lingyan Cave Forest Park, about 7,413 acres (30 square kilometers), is located at the north tour line of Wuyuan County. This park features beautiful natural scenery with the most distinctive feature - karst caves. It contains three scenic areas: Lingyan Cave Group Area, Shicheng Village Rare and Ancient Trees Area and Eco-Tea Garden Area. The favorable eco-environment and the special type of landform contribute to the popularity of Lingyan Cave Forest Park.

Lingyan Cave Group

Lingyan Cave Area consists of 36 karst caves,  with an area of 7,200 square meters and a drop height of over 90 meters. The main cave is called Hanxu Cave, it is of a typical karst landform. After entering the main entrance, the tour starts from the top to the bottom, which has 7 levels in total. There are hundreds of scenic spots among these caves and each of them is decorated with colorful artificial lights. Under this beautiful background, rocks in the caves become more attractive. Some stalagmites, columns, and stalactites combine together and form special shapes endowed with certain cultural meanings. When you reach the bottom, there is an underground river. You can take a boat tour to see the cave up close, with moving scenes along the way, it is another interesting way to appreciate Lingyan Cave. Besides charming natural scenery, cultural relics also attract attention with more than 2,000 inscriptions from famous calligraphers of the Tang Dynasty (618-907).

Travel Tip:

  • Opening Time: 08:00 -18:00 (March to November)
    08:00 – 17:30 (December to February)
  • Fee: 55 RMB individual ticket ( admission is included in Combo Ticket ) More on Ticket Information
  • Transportation: Take buses from Wuyuan County Bus Station ( right side of Wuyuan Train Station exit ), and get off at Lingyan Cave Station. There are many direct buses from 06:00 to 16:30 every day.
  • Recommended visit time: 90 minutes