Discover Wuyuan

Yantian Village

Know as the perfect country life, Yantian Village has the classic ancient village setting: a village lies against lush wooded hills, a clear-to-bottom river running under a stone bridge, with a wooden water mill working leisurely non-stop. A thousand-year camphor tree stands at the village entrance, forever guards and protects villagers. Many old houses have a fish pond in their courtyard, where beautiful red carps are kept. The quaint and laid-back village scene will relax your mind, slow down your pace, a perfect escape from your busy and stressful city life.

The Camphor Tree Folk Garden is located in Yantian Village, this attraction lies between Mandarin Duck Lake and Rainbow Bridge. With an area of more than 6 acres, it features numerous camphor trees. The tallest camphor tree, with a diameter of 14 meters, has lived for more than 1,500 years and is known as the “King of Camphor Trees”. 

Yantian is an original old village with over one thousand years of history. There are still 76 well preserved Hui-style residences and 2 well-maintained  ancestral halls in this area. Yantian people had a tradition of farming and studying for generations. According to the record, from the time of the Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, it is estimated that 27 scholars came from this town. 

Travel Tips:

  • Recommend a scenic walk from Upper Yantian Village to Rujiawan Village, about 3-4km. During the springtime, this is where you can enjoy the canola bloom without huge crowds and experience the village life up close.